Monday, June 10, 2013

The Strangest Secret

Coaching E-Med: #006
WEEK 06:      6 Magic Words or the “Strangest Secret”

They’ve been written, read, thought of and whispered for more than 6,000 years. The lips of prophets, poets, politicians and peasants have all utter them. You’ll find them in the teachings of the Buddha and the Bible. Men have studied and searched for them for years, on perilous journeys spanning all four corners of the earth. We’ve contemplated their meaning and prayed for their wisdom, guidance and understandings through the ages. And whether carved into sacred temple rock or written on the winds of time…they remain unchanged.

6 Magic Words that have come down through history and time, from generation to generation, and which many of the great minds have known.  And which many more have never discovered.

6 Magic Words that when combined create the “Strangest Secret” or a formula for success, which can become a cornerstone of our personal philosophy and help us create an Extra-Ordinary Life.

6 Magic Words that have the power to dramatically shape our lives.

So what are they? What are these 6 Magic Words?
We’ll I’ve gathered them here for your convenience. Are you ready?

We Become What We Think About!

Socrates, Da Vinci, Gandhi, Edison, Emerson, Thoreau, they all knew it was true – We Become What We Think About!
Buddha, Rumi, Tao, Tagore, Confucius, Krishna and many more – have told us without a doubt – We Become What We Think About!

In his landmark work of the same name, Earl Nightingale called it the “Strangest Secret” of success! He says he spent years looking for this “secret” only to discover it was right in front of him all along….and really it’s no “Secret” at all! The truth is:  We Become What We Think About!  That’s it! That’s the Strangest Secret that’s now no longer secret – We Become What We Think About!

We’ve already discussed in a previous E-Med the power of Focus and that is exactly the same power of these 6 wonderful words. What you focus on becomes your Reality. That is just another way of saying: We Become What We Think About!

Think about it…

WE Become What We Think About! – So think about LOVE
We BECOME What We Think About! – So think about HEALTH
We Become WHAT We Think About! – So think about WISDOM
We Become What WE Think About! – So think about WEALTH
We Become What We THINK About! – So think about GIVING
We Become What We Think ABOUT! – So think about LEARNING

And remember the secret works regardless of what we’re thinking about! Just think about it; if you spend a lot of time thinking about fear, uncertainty, self doubt, poverty, betrayal, etc, then that is exactly what you will manifest in your life. 
The universe has no choice but to give you what you consistently focus on or think about – it can be no other way.

So, what are you thinking about?

This Week’s Coach’s Challenge:

Keep thinking about the things you want to become and use the power of the “Strangest Secret” this week to create and Extra-Ordinary Life ;)

Until our next session,

Teach Peace, Practice Tolerance and Promote Love!

Milan Vasic
CEO/Results Coach/Business Consultant
Sea Change Council & Coaching

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